
Stainless Steel GX5CrNi19-10 (EN 1.4308)

GX5CRNI19-10is stainless steel for casting purpose; it’s an Austenitic corrosion resistant casting steel.

GX5CRNI19-10在标准EN 10213和EN 10283和ISO 11972中定义,EN数字为1.4308。GX5CRNI19-10(EN 1.4308)与SS304相同

EN 10213:2007用于压力目的的钢铸件

EN 10283: 2010 Corrosion resistant steel castings

ISO 11972:2015 specifies cast steels for general corrosion-resistant applications.

X5CRNI18-10(EN 1.4301)是EN 10088-3的标准标准等级类似等级

EN 10088-3: Stainless steels

GX5CRNI19-10(EN 1.4308) Equivalent Stainless Steel grade:

American: ASTM A351 CF8 (J92600)
American: ASTM A743 CF8 (J92600)
American: ASTM A744 CF8 (J92600)
American: ASTM A297 CF8 (J92600)
Japanese: JIS 5151 SCS13
中文:GB/T 12230 ZG0CR18NI9
France: AFNOR Z6CN18.10M; Z6CN19.9M
英国:BS3100-4 304C15
韩国:KS D4103 SCS13
德国:DIN 17445 GX6CRNI18-9

GX5CRNI19-10(EN 1.4308) Heat treatment process: Solution annealing + water quenching (+AT)

Heat to 1050-1150°C for sufficient time to heat casting uniformly to temperature and water quench

GX5CRNI19-10(EN 1.4308)福利

Corrosion and pitting resistance


Higher strength than standard stainless steel



GX5CRNI19-10(EN 1.4308) APPLICATION, it’s the most popular stainless steel:

Pump industry.

Machinery spare part



Automobile industry

Food industry


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Standard EN 10213 EN 10283 ISO 11972 EN 10088-3
年级 GX5CRNI19-10 GX5CRNI19-10 GX5CRNI19-10 X5CRNI18-10
EN number 1.4308 1.4308 1.4308 1.4301
c最大 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07
Si Max 1.50 1.50 1.5 1.00
Mn Max 1.50 1.50 1.5 2.00
p最大 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.045
S max 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.030
Cr 18.0-20.0 18.0-20.0 18.0-20.0 17.0-19.50
8.0-11.0 8.0-11.0 8.0-11.0 8.0-10.5
Cu 0.50
拉伸MPA,最小 440-640 440 500-700
0.2% proof Mpa, min 175 175 190
1% proof Mpa, min 200 200 225
延伸,%,最小 30 30 30 Long 45

TR 35

影响KV,J,Min 60 60 60 Long 100

TR 60

厚度,毫米 150 150 150
Hardness, HB, max 215

Stainless Steel CF8 (SS304)

Stainless Steel CF8 (SS304)


Stainless Steel ,,,
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